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Friday, February 7, 2014

Winter Track

             There aren't many winter sports here at RMHS that are relaxed and fun to do, this is why I decided to do winter track. My brother is also the captain so he might have influenced me in my decision. For the races that I would do, I decided to run the 300 meter race. I was not that great at it but was pretty good comparing to the other freshman. One aspect that made track fun for me is that I had some of my friends do it too and that made it more enjoyable for me. Some of the kids running would decide that they would be hurt so they wouldn't have to do the workout (Troy Tully). This kid had even backed out of the last meet because he had "pulled his back" and then he was fine to go skiing two days later. Him and I are acquaintances so I don't think he would be mad if I talked about how bad he was. Sometimes, when we have to run hills, he even says that he is sick so he won't have to continue with the grueling workout.


  1. Wow, I can't believe that he would just abandon you guys just because he didn't want to run. I can almost relate to you Adam because I did cross country and a kid on my team got hurt but he wasn't doing it on purpose.

  2. Adam, I know how you feel. I have experienced Troy's attitude towards track or lack there of because I am his neighbor. I constantly find myself being turned down after asking him if he would like to join me on a run. I can still hear the words ringing in my ears "Chris, it's just track buddy, I think I'll be okay". Troy will forever be known as a squirrel in the track community.
